Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Would Cinderella Still Accept A Slipper From A Bald Prince Charming? (Disney Princes With Male Pattern Baldness)

Would Cinderella Still Accept A Slipper From A Bald Prince Charming?

And now ... Disney princes with male pattern baldness.

by joseph lamour 12/30/2015
Writer. Artist. Music Nut. Creative ... Person.

Vin Diesel, Jason Statham, Kobe Bryant — there are loads of gorgeous hunky men who are bald up top. And yet, all Disney princes share a common trait: a thick, lustrous head of hair. So what if they didn’t? Would they still be as dreamy?

Illustrator Loryn Brantz of BuzzFeed reimagined Disney princes without their trademark tresses, and they certainly look quite different. In addition to illustrating them with thinning hair and receding hairlines, Brantz playfully renamed each prince with a pun-filled name, like “Prince Bald-veen” or “Baldaddin.”

The American Hair Loss Association estimates that two out of three guys start losing their hair before they turn 35. If “Little Mermaid” hunk Prince Eric (or “Prince No Hairic”) fell into that category the way Brantz illustrated him, he’d definitely a candidate for a buzzcut.

On the other hand, Prince Charming still looks pretty good. We’re sure he’s still more charming than his thick haired compatriots — and we bet Cinderella would think so too.

Check out all the balding Disney prince fun over at BuzzFeed, and be sure to like Loryn Brantz on Facebook, too [and/or see below].

Disney Princes With Male Pattern Baldness

Prince No Hairic

Walt Disney Studios / Loryn Brantz for BuzzFeed

General Li-eaving Hair Shang

Walt Disney Studios / Loryn Brantz for BuzzFeed


Walt Disney Studios / Loryn Brantz for BuzzFeed

Flynn “not much hair” Ryder

Walt Disney Studios / Loryn Brantz for BuzzFeed

Prince Bald-veen

Walt Disney Studios / Loryn Brantz for BuzzFeed

The Hairless Beast Prince

Walt Disney Studios / Loryn Brantz for BuzzFeed

And Prince “Less Hair” Charming

Walt Disney Studios / Loryn Brantz for BuzzFeed

Original title: “Disney Princes With Male Pattern Baldness”
posted on Dec. 29, 2015, at 3:38 p.m.
BuzzFeed Staff